What do I Pack in my hospital bag? #hospitalbag #thirdtrimester #pregnancy


It’s me at 33 weeks pregnant getting ready to pack my hospital bag for my 2nd baby! With my first, I had the bag packed by 28 weeks. Of course I followed a list, or a combination of lists I found on Pinterest. Then, I packed everything I could possibly need for a couple days, and then some. This time I created my own list, since I packed so many things I did not need last time. I hope you find this list comprehensive and minimal!


Clothes for Mama

Loose fitting t-shirt, and some comfy pants are all I’m going to need to go home in. I will definitely wear the shoes and socks I wore into the hospital. While I am there I am definitely going to be hanging out in my robe or hospital gown for the majority of the time. Ok, maybe I will pack some extra socks just in case!

Nursing Bra

I admit, I’m kind of already wearing nursing bras, because let’s just say nothing fits anymore and I’ll need the bigger size for nursing anyway. I am packing one bra that is more of a comfy sleep nursing bra like this Medela one from Target.

*Edited to add that I have found an ahhhhmazing sleep bra that is worth every penny! It is made by Kindred Bravely, and I ordered mine straight from amazon! They even have larger sizes!

Light Robe

Last time this was not actually in my hospital bag (I know how could I have forgotten something?) but I did pack a HEAVY robe. Well needless to say, having a May baby meant I did not even take it out of the bag. Plus, you do not want to be bogged down with too much in that hospital bed. There are so many cute options for light robes on the world wide web, but you don’t have to break the bank either. Someone did give me a robe from Pinkblush Maternity this time around as a birthday gift, so I am excited to try it out. Check your local Walmart or Target and see if you can snag a clearance robe or an inexpensive one!


This tops the toiletries list for sure, I feel the need to specifically list it because if I don’t list it, I will forget!

Makeup (if you’re so ambitious)

I am not bringing the full on Glam Bag that I keep in my bathroom or take with me when I travel for work. I’ve got the basic foundation, blush, and mascara. Along with my essential day and night creams. If you want to pack the concealer, the highlighter, and the bronzer-go right ahead, but I barely put on a stitch of makeup last time and guess what…people understand you won’t look perfect.


Chapstick is a MUST, dry lips from labor is no fun and those ice chips just don’t do the trick!

Shampoo and Soap

Travel size is fine, because you may take one or two showers, but I would recommend bringing your own so you aren’t stuck with that shampoo/conditioner combo that kinda smells funny.

Hairbrush and Hair ties

Because no matter how you have this baby, the hair needs to be out of the face!

Outfit for baby to go home in

No need for tons of outfits because the hospital will provide baby with easy onesie shirts. With the nurses checking your newborn every few minutes, you don’t want to have just put on a super cute sleeper, for the nurse to take it off him or her in a few minutes.

Nipple Cream

If you are breastfeeding, this is a MUST. Last time I decided to use the little tube provided from the hospital. Then I got the itemized bill! They charged me more for the little tube than I would have paid for a full size. For this, I say bring your own and don’t take the “free” hospital stuff.

Phone Charger

Obviously you won’t forget your phone so you can call and text family and friends. You will want to tell them that you are now ready for your fully sleep-deprived nights! Don’t forget the charger that reaches extra long because you never know where that plug is going to be in relation to your bed.

Camera w/charger

I actually second guessed even putting a camera on the list. Since phones have cameras, is it necessary? But I do think the quality is slightly better, so I want it available just in case.

Stuff for the Hubby

I told my husband he can feel free to pack what he wants in my bag, or bring his own. I’m not worried about bringing snacks or playing cards for him, because he’s a big boy and I’m sure he will be sufficiently entertained while at the hospital with me.

Installed Car Seat

The hospital staff won’t let you leave the hospital without a properly installed car seat. Although it doesn’t go in the bag, you will want it set up in the car and ready to go. I think of this as a constant reminder that I’m only days away from going into labor at any moment.

Don’t forget the cute bag!

If you are having a baby soon, or had one recently what is your must-have for the hospital?

If you like this post, you will love my Breastfeeding must-haves to survive the first month!

Find out what you need to pack in your hospital bag from a Minimalist. #hospitalbag #pregnancy #thirdtrimester