Overwhelmed, tired, scared, uneasy. These are just a few words that describe how I am feeling these days. You know what though? It’s okay to admit it. I’m down to the last month before my due date and I am in full on nesting mode. Between keeping a toddler entertained, STILL potty training, trying to keep a clean house, working a full time job, buying everything for new baby, and having pre labor contractions, I have to narrow my focus. It feels like I need to be superwoman at this point, but I have to stop and remind myself that I can only do so much and there is nothing wrong with putting things off or not doing them at all. Here’s what I’m doing right now to help me stay sane:


1. Making a list of priorities

Sometimes my scattered brain forgets that sometimes you just need to slow down and make a couple of lists. I can’t possibly keep track of all the ideas and thoughts in my head, so I have to write them down, rearrange, and get organized. As I make my list I start writing down days and times to do them (knowing full well that this baby could still arrive pretty much anytime)

2. Making a list of things left to purchase

I have a couple of categories here: Things baby needs, things I need post partum, normal grocery shopping, party supplies for next week’s birthday party. I have to get all the shopping done, but now I know what needs to be done when, and if I could hand anything off to another person (husband, mother-in-law, etc.) to take care of for me.

Being in nesting mode really causes me to want to buy all kinds of things to organize and be 100% ready for baby, knowing that my time is about to be all-consumed by a little 7 pounds of joy. I just have to remind myself that while these things would be great to purchase, I have to be able to make time to do the organization piece, and let’s face it, I am just a little more tired than usual as I wind down on my pregnancy.

3. Doing what matters and making time to relax

May seems to already be so full of events from Birthdays, to weddings, holidays, and graduations. I can start to look at the busyness of the next couple of weeks and get easily overwhelmed. I have to remember to slow down and take a break. I know that I will be a sleep-deprived mombie in a few short weeks, so that extra hour of relaxation is worth it. Not to mention this overworked mama cannot handle this pregnancy the way she did the last one. It seems my body knows what to do so it is doing it earlier than last time and the pains are not fun. I have scheduled a couple of pamper sessions and relaxation times throughout the month to remember it is just as important as making sure the house is vacuumed and ready for guests.

4. Scheduling special time with baby #1

This could be the hardest of them all, because I am not 100% ready for my mama focus to be split. Maybe it is the hormones of growing another human or remembering what life was like 3 years ago when I was forever changed by my firstborn, but I am very emotional thinking about how my heart is ever-growing to make room for another child. I am not afraid of how I will feel about my second baby vs. my first, because there is already so much love. I’m just afraid of the time that will be taken away from my first. I am planning on making some special moments for my son throughout the next month, but also thinking about how that will carry into the coming months. 

I am praying and mentally preparing for the times that I know I will get frustrated and be tired and I want my love to shine through for both my children. I remind myself of the following bible verse and I am encouraged:

“Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces.” Psalm 34:5

So as I think about the balance of the 2 babes, each with completely different needs, God will give me joy as I look to him for help.

5. Reminding myself to ask for help

I utterly failed at this last time I had a baby, and it almost cost me a lot. I think about this last month of pregnancy and how I might need help in the coming weeks and months, and I will put aside my pride and ask for help when I need it. I have so many friends and family around me this time that I don’t think it will be for lack of people willing, but only if they don’t know that I need them. No one wants to take advantage of someone else, but I am fully prepared to utilize my resources and keep people involved in the mess of mamahood.


What was something you did to mentally prepare for your babies?


Are you preparing for a baby? You may want to check out my other post about what’s in my hospital bag by clicking here.