Image of child in front of bookshelf with text overlay: Earn Free Books.

I get to do something amazing! I spread literacy to kids through selling kids books (for all ages, birth through high school). But, the best thing for me is that by doing so, I regularly earn tons of FREE books myself. My kids have a huge library at home. They can learn new ideas with nonfiction, learn to read with beginner books, or enhance their sensory with touchy-feely books.

I know what you are thinking, it is too good to be true. I would be lying if I said I didn’t have to work for it a little bit. However, the truth is, the books sell themselves.

The best ways to earn free books yourself is to:

Host a book party!

Hosting is the easiest way to earn books. Most of the time I set this up through Facebook and all you have to do is invite friends to a virtual party. At this party I show videos, give away prizes, and just have fun. The people shop through your own party link and the sales go towards free books for you. Easiest thing ever!

I regularly cash in parties for hosts that have earned HUNDREDS in free books. The other day my friend’s party closed out with $600 worth of books, she only had to pay shipping on the books.

If you want to host a party click here to get in touch with me, and tell me a little about yourself and when you’d like to have a party.

Host a Book Fair

If you are a part of an organization, and would like free books for them you can earn in a similar way. Book fairs must be at least $250 in sales, but the payout is huge… 50% of every dollar sold goes back to the organization in the form of free books.

Do you have a recommendation of an organization that would love to earn books? I have a referral program where you can earn a free Starbucks card when someone picks a date for an event. Contact me here to share the information of the organization.

Join the fun and share the books yourself

Of course you will fall in love with the books and share them with everyone you know!! If you become a consultant, you earn a generous commission of 25% of everything you sell. As a result, you get credits of sales to turn around and get more free books! *Think self-hosting a party.*

Best things about this company:

  • Community of friends
  • No minimum sales to maintain membership
  • Easy, flexible hours
  • All the books!

Here is more information on how to join.

I also wrote a post on how to know if direct sales is the right thing for you, I would love for you to check it out!

Never Heard of these Books?

Usborne and Kane Miller books are the most exciting, engaging, and educational books on the market today. They are high-quality, innovative, lavishly-illustrated, and best of all, they are the books kids love to read. Choose from over 1,800 bright, colorful, and fun titles covering a wide variety of subjects.  Now, check out all the books offered by clicking here.

Here is a video of my favorite book character, Nibbles and all the books you can find him in:

Want to know more? Just comment or email me to learn more.

I just love how my oldest is teaching my youngest how to love books too!

A toddler showing a baby a word picture book next to a fireplace
Baby and toddler looking at a book