6 Money Saving Tips to Keep you Debt Free
It can be hard to save money, but with these easy, yet effective tips you will be on your way to saving money in no time. 1. Give Every Penny a Purpose The most sure way to NOT save money is to have NO IDEA what you are buying. I use a budgeting app to help me stay...
How to Earn Free Books for your Kids
I get to do something amazing! I spread literacy to kids through selling kids books (for all ages, birth through high school). But, the best thing for me is that by doing so, I regularly earn tons of FREE books myself. My kids have a huge library at home. They can...
How to Have an Amazing Party on a Budget
By now you know I love a good party, I go all out, but I stick to a budget! I spent under $75 on this Neverland Baby Sprinkle Party and I had such a blast doing it! I'm going to tell you how I did it here: 1. Create your Budget This might seem OBVIOUS, right? But I am...
How to Monetize your Blog with a Side Business
Do you have a side business you have started? Maybe you have your own Etsy shop, Direct Sales Business, or other part time side gig?You have an EASY way to monetize your blog in your hands, let me tell you why! 1. You Can Meet Tons of New People So many times...
Save Money at Target with these 10 Tips!
Save money at Target! These tips are written by a former Target store executive… Myself! Do you want to find out some ways to save money at Target? These suggestions are EASY. Scroll to find out more... 1. Use a Redcard This goes first because you can save money on...
Pumping Essentials to Ease your Return to Work
Deciding to continue your breastfeeding journey when you go back to work from maternity leave is a very personal decision, but I hope that I can help ease your mind with letting you know the essentials you will need to make it so much easier on you. Pumping is a...