Hi there!
My name is Alyssa and this is my first post. I am so excited to begin sharing my life with you. Let me start by explaining a little bit about who I am. I have been married for just over 5 years, and almost 3 years ago my world was changed with a little baby boy, Vito IV. My world is going to change again in a few short months this summer as I will be having another little baby. I will tell you that being a mama is one of the greatest things I have ever experienced, and I get to do it for the rest of my life.
I am a working mama which means I don’t get to spend my whole days and nights doing what I love, but it is what works for me now. I currently work for Macy’s as a District Director of Staffing. I have 2 districts which means I have to travel. Let me tell you that is not something that I love doing, being away from my baby, which is why I hope to change that one day! My husband, Vito, is a high school teacher so he has flexibility with his schedule which allows me to travel and work crazy hours sometimes.
For now God has me here. I have seen Him work in so many ways in my life that I could never question where he has brought me to. I graduated from college from UT Arlington in December of 2012, started working at Target in January of 2013, then in 2016 I changed over to Macy’s. I know I will post soon about transitioning jobs and finding out what you love. I could spend a lot of time on that!
Recently, I became an independent consultant for Usborne Books and More. This is something I already love to do. The books are wonderful and very interactive, which helps me feel good about the example I’m setting for my son. I hope to take this business to be so much more and fuel it into some other business endeavors which can lead me to spend more time with my babies! A little bit about what you can expect from some of my posts: I love to teach my son new things and I want to share with you how imagination comes to life through reading and play. I want to share how we learn through play, I have a lot of ideas that include inexpensive ways to interact and help my child learn through simple everyday items!
I’m sure there are some of you out there who can relate to me, working mama, wanting the best for her kids, but not being able to dedicate 100%. I’d love to laugh with you and cry with you on this life journey and show you a little bit about how I cope and how I learn from my mistakes as a mama. I hope you will join me on this journey and help inspire me with your ideas too!
Talk Soon,